Sunday, November 16, 2008

Have Spam?

Well. Hmm.
The diaper is in Texas. It arrived to New Braunfels, and visited, but the mom didn't document anything. Bummer.
The diaper shows delivery in Wylie, TX but I'm waiting on an actual confirmation from the next mama.


I think that many of my emails may be headed to your spam folder. So if you're in TX, AR, TN, or LA and don't have an email from me please check there! Or add the email address for Global Fluffy Bum to your contacts. :) I will email you the week before it's set to arrive, if you don't respond in a couple of days, I'll just skip you and push on.

Let's start collecting some pics of your Little Ones in their holiday fluff and I'll add a little photo display to the sidebar of the blog.

Thanks for keep the Fluff alive,

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