Monday, November 10, 2008


Morning All,
I just wanted to send out a question for you participants.

* How can we keep the diaper moving quicker? It seems to get stuck in for more than a week. The participants aren't replying to emails to either confirm or deny they even got it.

I'm going to be emailing you the week before it is set to arrive to confirm that you would still like to participate. If you don't reply I'm going to skip you and move on?

So until we get a reply from New Braunfels, TX please send any of your cloth questions and we'll get some answers.

Favorite wipe solutions?



Cheryl Pitt said...

No solutions here, but I would also like to see it move more quickly. I know that can be difficult with crazy schedules, but I feel the intent of this project is to raise cloth awarenes and we need a quicker turnaround to do so.

As for wipe solutions, I like to make my own. You can view the recipe I like here.

4smartmonkeys said...

I also have no solutions. We all agreed at the beginning to take a pic and send it along. We want to have more people check out cloth...but this is going way to slow. I hope my little guy doesn't outgrow it!!
I like Sammy's wipe Lasts a long time. I also like Lil' Outlaws.