The Adventures of a Cloth Diaper and parents who tried it.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
New Wrap in NY!
The Global Fluffy Bum arrived to my home on Saturday Aug 1. We didn’t check the mail until late that night since we were out, so my son didn’t get to wear it until Sunday. The first thing he did in the diaper was crawl around the living room. He had just started crawling the previous week. He got tired, so he took a nap. When he woke up he played some more! Monday was not a good day for the diaper. We washed it and washed it. Long story short, the diaper was stained. Tuesday we wanted to use the diaper again. We went out and about, first to the Farmer’s Market to buy some fresh veggies and fruits. YUMMY. We had lunch and then went shopping at a few more stores. Fletcher wasn’t too happy about that. The last thing we did that day was go to the local community center to volunteer. Fletcher played on the ground while I helped out the old ladies who were sewing pillowcases for the hospital. Then we went home and relaxed. Wednesday was the last day we used the diaper. At this point I knew the stain wasn’t coming out and began working hard to find a way to replace the diaper. Thanks so much to Mom’s Milk Boutique and Smarty Pants for agreeing to provide a new cover and embroider it. This say was another pretty boring day. Fletcher and I played outside in the backyard. He loves grabbing grass and trying to eat it. What can I say, he is only 8.5 months old! I talked on the phone to Softbums about a video cloth diaper review and I am really excited about that! After that Fletcher came in and used the potty so we had to take the diaper off. Later, we went out with a friend to Target. Fletcher and his girlfriend played outside of the fitting room while he showed off his Fluffy Bum! The journey ended for the GFB for good after one last ditch effort to wash and sun and wash and sun etc. This is probably the last picture of the GBF in its current form. How fitting that it should be hanging in the pit of my basement. My husband saw this picture and said it looks like where Ecoli was born. Possibly. Despite the difficulties with the diaper we are glad to have participated. We are sad that we killed the diaper but happy to have been able to find a solution that may work even better than the previous GFB. Thanks to Halley for being so understanding as well! I hope the next families all enjoy their time with the GFB
Well! That certainly explains a lot about how I ended up with a beautiful blueberry diaper! I'm excited because I've been intrigued abotu Blueberry diapers & now I get to try it out as a cover! Tobin & I are next on the journey...story to come. And hey! Tobin is 8.5 months old, too!
I love the potty pic--very unusual for a diaper blog! :)
You've been great to work with. I'm glad everything turned out alright. And you did a great job with your pics!
Smarty Pants Diapers
...crack a smile at every diaper change
Well! That certainly explains a lot about how I ended up with a beautiful blueberry diaper! I'm excited because I've been intrigued abotu Blueberry diapers & now I get to try it out as a cover! Tobin & I are next on the journey...story to come. And hey! Tobin is 8.5 months old, too!
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